Domain Name related Rules
Common Domain Name Rules (Anchor: common)
SYS Com India provides 2nd Level Domain Registration services under .DE.
SYS Com India supports Internationalized Domain Name (IDN) .DE Registration, Renewal and Transfer.
The list of allowed IDN characters are:
áà?âåäã??æ????ç??éè?ê?ë?????????íì?îï????????????ñ??óò?ôö?õø?oe??????š????úù?û?ü?????ý?ÿ?ž?ðþ -
As Registration, Renewal and Transfer includes a 1 year Renewal term it needs to be paid for, prior to completion.
A .DE domain name will Expire on the 5th last day of the Expiry month, upon Registration, Renewal or Transfer.
If is registered on January 1, 2011, it's Expiry Date becomes January 27, 2012 as the Registration term is 1 year and the 5th last day of January 2012 is January 27.
If is registered on January 31, 2011, it's Expiry Date becomes January 27, 2012 as the Registration term is 1 year and the 5th last day of January 2012 is January 27.
.DE domain names should be Renewed prior to their Expiry date. Upon Expiry (Anchor: expiry) of a .DE domain name:
you will no longer be able to manage your .DE domain name with SYS Com India.
your .DE domain name will be transferred directly under the .DE Registry (DENIC). This process is called Domain Transit.
once your domain name has Transited to DENIC, the Registrant contact will receive instructions via postal mail from DENIC, for managing your .DE domain name with them.
Domain Theft Protection feature is not available for .DE domain names.
Additional Information -
For Resellers: Lock, Suspension, Bulk Lock / Unlock and Bulk Suspend / Unsuspend features are not supported for .DE domain names.
You may Move (push) your .DE domain name to any other Customer Account.
The Customer you are moving your .DE domain name to, should have a .DE Contact with either the Registrant or the Administrative Contact with the country as Germany.
If for any reason you need to Delete your domain name, the Registrant Contact needs to contact our Support Team at and submit the request via email or FAX.
NoteIt is mandatory for the Registrar to record any Deletion request of the Registrant, prior to complying.
Upon deletion, the .DE domain name enters Redemption Grace Period.
Additional Information
Domain Name Registration (Anchor: reg)
A .DE domain name can be Registered for only 1 year.
A .DE domain name does not have any Money Back Grace Period.
The Bulk Registration feature is not available for .DE domain names.
Domain Name Renewal (Anchor: ren)
A .DE domain name can be Renewed for only 1 year.
After a .DE domain name is registered, it may be Renewed for 1 year, only after the Expiration date has passed in the year when it was registered. The total term of a .DE domain name can not exceed 2 years.
If you have registered on January 11, 2011, then the Expiry Date of is January 27, 2012. You may, however, renew this domain name only after January 27, 2011 for a further 1 year. This will bring your Expiry Date to January 27, 2013.
If you have registered on January 31, 2011, then the Expiry Date of remains as January 27, 2012. You may, however, renew this domain name immediately after registration, for a further 1 year since January 27, 2011 has already passed. The Expiry Date becomes January 27, 2013.
Domain Name Transfer (Anchor: trf)
Transferring a .DE domain name to SYS Com India includes a 1 year Renewal.
To Transfer your .DE domain name to SYS Com India, you need to only provide your Domain (Transfer) Secret Key/Authorization Code. Once we get confirmation from the Registry that the Domain (Transfer) Secret Key/Authorization Code is accurate, the domain name is instantly transferred without the need of receiving additional confirmation from the Registrant / Administrative Contact, via email or FAX.
The length of the Domain (Transfer) Secret Key/Authorization Code of a .DE domain name can be from 8 to 16 characters.
Any of the following permitted characters can be used:
A, B, C, D, E‚ F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
+, -, /, * -
A .DE domain name's Domain (Transfer) Secret Key/Authorization Code can not contain the following characters:
I (uppercase i)
l (lowercase l)
O (uppercase o)
o (lowercase o)
0 (zero)
The Domain (Transfer) Secret Key/Authorization Code for a .DE domain name expires in 30 days after setting it. Thus, this interface will prompt you to set a new Domain (Transfer) Secret Key/Authorization Code, unless you have generated it.
Once a .DE domain name gets transferred to SYS Com India from another Registrar, the .DE Registry removes/deletes the previous Domain (Transfer) Secret Key/Authorization Code.
The Bulk Transfer feature is not available for .DE domain names.
If you Transfer Away your .DE domain name to another Registrar, you will lose the benefit of the remaining term of your .DE domain name.
If you have registered on January 11, 2011, then the Expiry Date of is January 27, 2012. If however you choose to Transfer Away this domain name on September 1, 2011 to another Registrar, then you will not receive refund for the remaining term ie. from September 1, 2011 to January 27, 2012.
Contact Details related Rules (Anchor: contact)
.DE domain names use an independent Contact database in the system. Contacts for .DE domain names are listed under .DE Contact.
The following list displays the various types of .DE Contacts listed in our system and how they are displayed in the Whois of .DE domain names:
.DE Contact Type displayed in the System
.DE Contact Type displayed in the Whois
Domain Holder
Administrative or admin-c
Technical or tech-c
Zone administrator or zone-c
The Registrant or the Administrative Contact of a .DE domain name needs to be from Germany. This implies that the country of either of these Contacts needs to be Germany.
Accented character usage is supported in the following fields in .DE Contacts:
Company Name
NoteAll Latin-1 UTF-8 characters are supported in the above-mentioned fields. See details
The Name field of any .DE Contact can not be modified. If you wish to modify the Name, create another Contact and associate it with your .DE domain name.
If you have set a Domain (Transfer) Secret Key/Authorization Code for your .DE domain name and then within 30 days and prior to Transferring Away your domain name, if you modify the Registrant Contact details of your .DE domain name, the Domain (Transfer) Secret Key/Authorization Code gets nullified and you need to reset Domain (Transfer) Secret Key/Authorization Code if you still intend to Transfer Away your .DE domain name to another Registrar.
While modifying the Contact Details of a .DE domain name, the .DE Registry checks if the Name Servers used by the domain name contain a Zone for this domain name and the correct NS and A Records.
.DE domain names do not support SYS Com India's Privacy Protection feature.
The Bulk Modify and Bulk Privacy Protection features are not available for .DE domain names.
Name Servers and Child Name Servers related Rules (Anchor: ns)
The .DE Registry (DENIC) has the following requirements for both Name Servers and Child Name Servers:
Each .DE domain name needs to have at least 2 Name Servers and can have upto 13 Name Servers. The limitation of supporting a maximum of 13 Name Servers is common for both Child Name Servers and Name Servers.
If you add 4 Name Servers for your .DE domain name, then you may now add only upto 9 Child Name Servers or Name Servers.
If you add 2 Name Servers and 2 Child Name Servers for your .DE domain name, then you may now add only upto 9 Child Name Servers or Name Servers.
You need to create a Zone for your .DE domain name on the Name Servers that you plan to use and add the Name Servers as NS Records, prior to performing the following actions:
Registering a .DE domain name,
NoteTo ensure that you are able to register your .DE domain name with ease, SYS Com India recommends that you use the following Name Servers, as we automatically create all necessary Records to satisfy the .DE Registry requirements:
Adding/Modifying the Name Servers or Child Name Servers of a .DE domain name,
Modifying the Contact Details of a .DE domain name,
Moving/Pushing your .DE domain name to another Customer Control Panel.
Zone and NS Record Requirement
Ensure that the Zone for your .DE domain name has the exact same Name Server (NS) Records as the ones you are submitting.
If you plan to use and as the Name Servers while registering, then prior to registering you need to ensure that you get a Zone created for on and This Zone must have NS Records for both and only.
If the Name Servers you submit for your .DE domain name fails to display the Zone file of your .DE domain name and/or display NS Records for the Name Servers, you will not be able to Register your domain name or Add/Modify Name Servers/Child Name Servers or modify the Contact details of your .DE domain name.
The system will automatically send reminders to the Customer to correct this issue. If within 30 days this issue is not corrected, your domain name would get Deleted by DENIC.
Once you have setup your .DE domain name's Zone correctly, you may click the Recheck Domain Status button in the Order Information view to confirm the same with the .DE Registry.
Additional Information -
The IPv4 (IP) Address associated with each Name Server of a .DE domain name needs to be unique.
If you wish to associate 4 Name Servers -,,, with your .DE domain name, then their individual IPv4 Addresses need to be unique.
To add a Child Name Server for your .DE domain name, you need to follow the below mentioned process:
In the Zone of your .DE domain name, add an Address (A) Record for the first Child Name Server that you plan to submit for your .DE domain name.
Example: 38400 IN A 111.222.333.444
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In the Zone of your .DE domain name, add a NS Record for the above Child Name Server.
Example: In the Zone of, add a NS Record for 38400 IN NS
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Create a Zone for your .DE domain name on the above Child Name Server. Add the Child Name Server as a Name Server (NS) Record in this Zone as well as Zone created for your .DE domain name on the existing Name Servers. This is required because every Child Name Server that you create/add under a .DE domain name is automatically associated with that .DE domain name as a Name Server.
Example: 38400 IN NS
Once the above A and NS Records start resolving, add this Child Name Server to your .DE domain name.
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Repeat the above steps for any number of Child Name Servers that you wish to add.
Child Name Server Addition Process
NoteYou must add one Child Name Server at a time. Otherwise, an error will be encountered.
Example: In order to create a Child Name Server, you need to:
add an A Record for,
add a NS Record for,
create a Zone for on and add as a NS Record in this Zone as well as the Zone created for on the existing Name Servers for, and
add the Child Name Server at the .DE Registry.
Once the Child Name Server is thus created, you need to repeat the above 4 steps for and so on.
The IPv4 Address associated with each Name Server and Child Name Server of a .DE domain name needs to be unique.
.DE domain names do not support IPv6 Addresses.